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London Black Women’s Project (formerly Newham Asian Women’s Project) has a dynamic history which is about social change and transformation.


Newham Asian Women’s Collective (NAWC) was established to campaign for and support the needs of
South Asian women in the London Borough of Newham. NAWC identified that for South Asian women
experiencing domestic violence there were significant barriers due to racism and discrimination, and
social, political and economic exclusion affecting access routes to vital services.


NAWC expanded into the neighbouring east London Boroughs of Redbridge, Barking and Dagenham,
and Waltham Forest. Following the expansion, a group called the East London Asian Women’s Group
(ELAWG) was created focusing specifically on meeting the needs of South Asian women in East


Newham Asian Women’s Project (NAWP) emerged from these early developments initially to provide
support, counselling and advice to women and their children fleeing domestic violence. NAWP opened
its first refuge to provide emergency accommodation and housing support services in Newham.


NAWP joined forces with sister organisations to challenge the No Recourse to Public Funds rule for
women with insecure immigration status fleeing domestic violence.


NAWP joined Black, immigrant, refugee and anti-racism groups calling for just and fair treatment for all
citizens living in Europe.


NAWP’s Training service opened its doors to women providing essential training in courses ranging
from ESOL, computer literacy and childcare. From 1995 to 2010 the courses were accessed by 500
women per year from the NEET group. With a shift in funding priorities, the Training service shut in


NAWP opened the Resource Centre at 661 Barking Road. The centre, officially opened by NAWP’s
patron Meera Syal became NAWP’s main office.

At the Resource Centre, NAWP launched its first weekly support groups for South Asian women called
Chandani and Saheli. These groups were survived by Shakti, the only support group for older South

Asian women in Newham. In that same year NAWP opened a second stage refuge in partnership with
East Thames Housing Group (now East Thames Housing Association).

The second stage refuge provided housing support to women under a model of semi-independent and
independent living. It proved successful in providing women with essential housing support so that they
could move on the safe and sustainable housing of their own.


NAWP marked its tenth-year anniversary by setting up a new therapeutic support service for adult
women. It remains one of few counselling services offering community language counselling.

In that same year NAWP won the National Excellence Award from SmitheKline Beecham. At the time,
we were the only black women’s group and London-based organisation to have received the award.

The same year NAWP, funded by the Newham Intercity Multifund, conducted research on the mental
health needs of South Asian women and published a report called, ‘Growing Up Young, Asian and
Female in Britain: Conflict and Culture’.


NAWP, along with the Asian Women’s Resource Centre in Brent, secured funding to develop IMKAAN.
The aim of IMKAAN was to develop and provide resources in support of black women’s refuges. Today,
IMKAAN is an independent second tier organisation and we continue to have a successful collaboration
and working relationship with them.

That same year, NAWP developed the Zindaagi (meaning ‘life’) project focusing on service delivery to
young women and working under an early intervention and prevention framework.


NAWP expanded its refuge provision to the London Borough of Haringey and took over the
management of two 10-bedspace refuges for South Asian women. That same year NAWP won the
BBC Asia (Asian Success, Innovation and Achievement) Award.


NAWP was involved in the first ever National Inquiry into Young People and Self-harm in an advisory
capacity funded by the Camelot Foundation and the Mental Health Foundation. The Inquiry Report
went on to highlight Zindaagi as a model of Good Practice.

That same year NAWP developed a training pack called ‘Silent Scream’ to raise awareness about self-


NAWP was short-listed for the Health Services Journal (HSJ) Award under the category for Mental
Health Innovation for the work done with young South Asian women around self-harm.

That same year NAWP obtained funding from the Big Lottery Fund to re-launch the Advice Service.
This funding essentially saved the service from closure and ensured that women in East London would
have access to free legal advice and information services to protect and promote their rights. Since
then, BLF has funded the advice service with NAWP achieving three separate bids with each lasting 3

NAWP’s Training service also underwent an Ofsted inspection and was awarded a grade of
‘Outstanding’. It was the first voluntary sector training organisation to be awarded this grade.


NAWP launched Painful Secrets: A Qualitative Study in the Reasons Why Young Women Self Harm.

That same year NAWP launched the first national DVD on self-harm and young people produced in
collaboration with Mouth That Roars. The DVD focused on advice and support for young people and
professionals working in mental health services and it was funded by Diana Princess of Wales
Memorial Fund.


NAWP achieved Customer First Quality Mark Standard. Since then, NAWP has been accredited with
excellence under the award three consecutive times with each award lasting 2 years.

In the same year NAWP diversified its client base to provide some of its services to all black, minority
ethnic and refugee women across London.


NAWP launched a dedicated and specialist project focusing on support services to young BME women
experiencing domestic and sexual violence funded by Comic Relief and developed a dedicated
therapeutic support service.

That same year, NAWP developed a specialist support group for young women suffering domestic and
sexual violence.


NAWP launched a pilot scheme on housing for women moving on from accommodation-based services
in refuges. This served as the blueprint for the expansion of the refuge work.


NAWP developed ‘Building Capacities’ after securing the first of many contracts to deliver specialist
VAWG HP training and awareness raising to frontline professionals across criminal justice, Police,
social services, education, housing, VCS, and other sectors on violence against women and girls
including harmful practices.


NAWP expanded its refuge provision from 4 refuges and 25 bedpsaces to 6 refuges and 41 bedspaces
to meet the needs of BMER women and children.

In the same year ‘Project: Aware’ was launched, a dedicated and specialist BME women and girls
project focusing on sexual abuse and exploitation and challenging the normalisation, tolerance and
acceptance of violence in society and working towards independence, freedom and safety.

NAWP launched a dedicated and specialist counselling and therapeutic support service to operate
directly from the refuge providing women with individual counselling session, support groups and
essential work with children in refuges.


NAWP achieved Advice Quality Standard in the areas of Housing and Women (Domestic Violence)
obtaining excellence across the board in these categories.

In the same year, ‘Project: Empower’ was launched as a specialist legal advice and information service
and community advocacy to BME women including advice on welfare, debt, housing, immigration,
domestic and sexual abuse, rape, so-called honour-based violence and exploitation, FGM and forced

Under Project: Empower, NAWP launched a pilot project to safely challenge access by women
experiencing domestic violence to PLPs (privatised legal processes and their legitimising agents). The
project works with women in communities through the advocacy approach to sign post them to safe,
confidential and free LBWP rights-based services and legal representation.

NAWP also successfully developed ‘EMPOWERHOUSE’, a BME women and girls’ creative arts and
theatre project aiming to raise awareness of violence against women and girls including harmful
practices using survivor narratives to create common approaches and collaborative actions.
NAWP achieved Women’s Aid National Quality Standard.

On 25 November, the Management Committee agreed to change the name of organisation to London
Black Women’s Project.


LBWP expanded its emergency accommodation services for BME women and children surviving
domestic and sexual violence from 6 refuges with 41 bedspaces to 7 refuges with 51 bedspaces.

In that same year ‘Project: Free Choice’, a dedicated and specialist forced marriage project focusing on
early intervention and prevention responses to all BME women and girls was launched. This project
provides frontline support, advocacy and awareness raising to women and girls.

LBWP also developed ‘VISION OF ME’, using BME women and girls’ creative agency to empower by
constructing worldviews that are free from violence and harm. This project aims to transform the ways
women and girls are supported by changing power dynamics between ‘provider’ and ‘user’.


LBWP celebrates 30 years of protecting and securing the rights of BME women and girls.


We are here to support women and girls. We can help with information, housing and homelessness, safe space, healing and recovery through art, advice and advocacy, keyworking and therapeutic support.

Contact Us 

T: 020 8472 0528

0808 2000 247

Free 24 hours National Domestic Violence Helpline

Opening Hours 

Monday to Friday

From 9.30 am to 5.30 pm

Charity Number: 1001834

Company Number : 2393931

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