This space is used to define black feminism as language – that of the ideas, conceptions and understandings that create black feminism as ideology, framework and analytical tool. Critical and central to black feminism is praxis therefore, engage with this space as evolving and emerging.
With language, we construct the many narratives that define us.
Here is some of the language we offer:
For black women, by black women
Representation and voice in governance, management, project and service development and delivery.
Addressing violence against women and girls.
Creating safe, representative and empowering space for BME women and girls who use the services of LBWP and who deliver services at LBWP.
Recovery of voice, identity and representation.
We are diverse but inter-connected and this helps us work towards unity.
Addressing intersectional oppression faced by BME women and girls.
Addressing race, class, gender, sexuality, caste, homophobia and all other oppressions.
Intersectionality as a central theme as it helps us to understand that different forms and experiences of oppression exist together and are interconnected for BME women and girls.
Promotes concepts of equality and justice through transformative space.
Addresses social problems structurally requiring structural transformation and a political economy approach.
There is no hierarchy of oppression and that the lives of black women intersect and interconnect in various ways and degrees is critical to intersectionality.
It is about the historical, not the a-historical, not erasure!
Historical relevancy provides a politicised and historical understanding of intersectionality, black feminism and other progressive ideology that we use to define identity, purpose and movement.
The commonality of history is grounded in colonial, post-colonial, imperial, neo-imperial, and post structural struggle. Today, our struggle encapsulates transition from social welfare to neo-liberalism.
Let us not pretend that the playing field is level where we have gaps in accumulation widening and where 1% control the wealth of nations.
At LBWP historical relevancy helps us to define our political position as relevant in history thereby providing us with a framework to challenge ‘othering’ discourses.
A Social Change Project to SMASH Patriarchy
We commit to a position of progressive social change.
Equality within unequal economic and social systems cannot be achieved for women and girls because within such systems, there is a re-production of tensions among human beings and the tension is created by inequality based on power and control dynamics.
Black feminism requires progressive change to address patriarchy addressing multiple systems of oppression – political, economic and social inequality and sexism, racism among other forms of discrimination.
The ultimate goal of feminism (black and universal) is progressive structural and institutional change.
Black women demand a better world based on a different set of ideas which reflect our humanity.
Self-Development – We are not an add-on!
It helps us to develop services so that delivery frameworks consider the intersecting realities affecting the lives of BME women and girls.
A framework of holistic provision developed from the perspective of historical relevancy is best suited to meet the needs of BME women and girls experiencing VAWG.
We consider the idea of historical relevancy as central to our ongoing development.
We are here to support women and girls. We can help with information, housing and homelessness, safe space, healing and recovery through art, advice and advocacy, keyworking and therapeutic support.
Contact Details
London Black Women’s Project
661 Barking Road | Plaistow | London | E13 9EX
T: 020 8472 0528